Chapter 29:Coldness冰冷(2 / 2)

ests alone.


I have only one heart, which already belongs to the Prince of Liangzhou. There''s no room for anyone else.


You may be a perfect match, but I am no longer an ideal woman.


In the face of his love and pursuit, I could only evade and avoid, eventually leaving myself with no way out.


"Miss Cui," the people at the Eastern Palace greeted me warmly and amicably upon my arrival.


"Where''s the Crown Prince?"


"His Highness is in the study. Allow me to show you the way."


I arrived before the warm and gentle gentleman, his very presence like a piece of warm jade.


"Greetings, Your Highness."


"Miss Cui, there''s no need for such formalities," he replied, his face lighting up with a delighted smile upon seeing me.


Seeing his smile, I felt deep guilt in my heart. After all, I am not a heartless person. Regrettably, I cannot give him the affection he desires.
