Chapter 33:Seeking Marriage求(2 / 2)

I had no proof and couldn''t say it outright.


"Do you... still want to marry me?" I asked softly.


Hearing my question, he shuddered slightly, and I knew he was shocked by my words.


Having spent so much time with and pursued me for so long, he was smart enough to know that someone else had already occupied my heart. He might even have guessed who it was.


"I do, of course. As it was before, as it is now, and will always be."


"Can you promise me one condition, then?"


"What is it?"


"I hope you will never go to the battlefield for the rest of your life. Can you do that?"


"Is it for him?" His voice suddenly turned cold.


I raised my head and looked into his eyes. We both knew who "he" was in his question. There was no need to ask, but why did he inquire like that? Was he about to march to Liangzhou? So soon?
