Prologue(2 / 3)

ness or hardships. Whether it be weariness, difficulty, bitterness, or joy, we must all carry on through our days.


Our protagonist, Gu Xiang, has experienced the ups and downs of life, experiencing moments of triumph and despair.


With unwavering determination and a sincere heart, she fearlessly confronts the challenges that life throws her way. Even in the darkest times, she manages to rediscover her confidence, and in moments of uncertainty, she remains steadfast and true to her beliefs. When she stumbles and falls, she rises with courage and continues moving forward.


She doesn''t adhere strictly to materialism or idealism; her life''s journey can be described as a harmonious blend of both.


Materialism leans towards the practical aspects of life, while idealism embraces the realm of dreams. She embodies the best of both worlds, encompassing both practicality and imagination.


She was born proud with an unwavering spirit. She dares to love and dares to face the consequences. Through her own life experiences, she writes a story about her own life, a tale filled with ups and downs but also an epic love story.


In the quest to unravel the true essence of life, she remains anchored to her core values, never straying from her initial aspirations.


It is only by remembering why you started that your mission will be accomplished.


This story is centered around the female protagonist''s personal growth and inner journey rather than being a mere love story or a typical urban workplace novel.


It delves into her e