Chapter 22 : Crown Prince Li(2 / 2)

m a humble background?


The ascent of the new dynasty emperor has instilled hope in the less fortunate and offered a vivid example and unwavering confidence for students coming from modest backgrounds.


I was merely a knowledgeable country girl, and he was simply a knowledgeable country boy.


Without the hindrance of social status, we became great friends.


My heart was unburdened, seeking only to use my skills to make a meaningful impact on the common people, and he offered me tremendous support in this endeavor.


Together, we researched, discussed, experimented, climbed mountains, and traversed muddy terrain.


I would never have guessed that he was the current Crown Prince of the New Dynasty, Liu Hao, just as he likely couldn\''t have imagined that I was the renowned daughter of the Cui family, Cui Yu.
